
Transport Committee Chair responds to publication of the Laidlaw Report
06 December 2012

Call for evidence: Green Deal watching brief
06 December 2012

Final evidence session on Youth Justice
06 December 2012

Responsibilities of the Secretary of State for Wales
06 December 2012

Debate on defence personnel
06 December 2012

Transport Committee announces new inquiry into Access to Ports
06 December 2012

Lords' media inquiry converges on Europe
06 December 2012

Debate on expulsion of Ugandan Asians
06 December 2012

Forthcoming publication: Seventh Report
06 December 2012

Use of 'Mutuals' to deliver local services needs stronger support
06 December 2012

Oral evidence session on DFID's Annual Report and Accounts 2011-12
05 December 2012

Lords debate plan to combat an uncertain future for water resources
05 December 2012

Forthcoming Publication: Reform of Office of Children's Commissioner
05 December 2012

Call for evidence on Migration Statistics
05 December 2012

Coastguard: follow up report published
05 December 2012
In this section
Parliamentary news 2012
- Have your say on the Energy Bill
- Commons rises for Christmas recess 2012
- Raising money for Help A Capital Child
- Statement on Thalidomide Trust grant
- MPs debate report on human trafficking
- House of Lords pauses for recess
- Statement on local government finance
- Quarterly statement on Afghanistan
- Crime and Courts Bill: Lords completes third reading
- Lords second reading of Public Service Pensions Bill
- Second reading of the Energy Bill
- Prime Minister's Questions: 19 December 2012
- Commons second reading of Justice and Security Bill
- Parliament’s ‘hidden gem’: Reverend Rose Hudson-Wilkin discusses the Chapel of St Mary Undercroft
- Lords postpones Leveson report debate until the new year
- Westminster Hall debates: 18 December 2012
- Paintings from Parliamentary Art Collection exhibited online
- Remaining stages of Growth and Infrastructure Bill
- Statement on European Council
- Lords debates EU development and legislation
- Lords debates older people's contribution to society
- Statement on the Personal Independence Payment
- Lords debates position of Arab citizens in Israel
- Lords debates development of credit unions in the UK
- Members' expenses claims
- Statement on Patrick Finucane report
- Prime Minister's Questions: 12 December 2012
- Crime and Courts Bill report stage day four
- Commons debates NHS funding
- Statement on Government response to equal marriage consultation
- Statement on Northern Ireland
- Lords considers Police (Complaints and Conduct) Bill
- Statement on final report into Winterbourne View
- Urgent question on Remploy
- Urgent question on same-sex marriage in churches
- Financial Services Bill: MPs consider Lords amendments
- Westminster Hall debates: 11 December 2012
- MPs debate the economy
- Crime and Courts Bill report stage day three
- Speaker Honoured by the Political Studies Association
- Statement on benefits uprating 2013-14
- Statement on the West Coast rail franchise
- Lords debates contribution of UK's Ugandan Asian community
- Lords chamber event 2012 - The Big Care Debate
- Lord Speaker lecture at UCL
- Lords debates UK’s global role, emerging powers and new markets
- Mr Speaker helps launch Parliagender
- MPs debate Police (Complaints and Conduct) Bill
- Prime Minister's Questions: 5 December 2012
- Chancellor delivers 2012 Autumn Statement
- Lords final changes to Financial Services Bill
- Crime and Courts Bill: Report stage day two
- Remaining stages of Public Service Pensions Bill
- Westminster Hall debates: 4 December 2012
- MPs debate the Leveson Inquiry report