
European Scrutiny Committee Meeting Summary: 20 November 2013
21 November 2013

Foreign and Commonwealth Office performance and finances 2012-13
21 November 2013

Debate 2013: Finances of the House of Commons
21 November 2013

Terms of reference: Prisons: planning and policies
21 November 2013

UK Meat Production Ban must end
21 November 2013

MPs debate stalking laws
21 November 2013

Committee to hold first evidence session on Better roads
MPs to examine the strategic roads network
21 November 2013

Lords question Trade Minister on EU/US Investment Partnership
21 November 2013

First oral evidence session on the role of the judiciary
21 November 2013

Lords Committee calls for investment plan for UK scientific infrastructure
21 November 2013

Scottish Affairs Committee take evidence on Blacklisting in Cardiff Bay
20 November 2013

Defence Implications of Possible Scottish Independence: Government responds
20 November 2013

Northern Ireland Attorney General comments about ending prosecutions criticised
20 November 2013

Committee publish supplementary counter-terrorism written evidence
20 November 2013

MPs hear from Secretary of State for Scotland
20 November 2013
In this section
Parliamentary news 2013
- Have your say: Speaker's Commission on Digital Democracy
- Lords Chamber Event 2013 - Defence and Remembrance
- Have your say on the Water Bill
- Urgent Question on standardising of tobacco packaging
- Statement on sexual violence in conflict: 28 November 2013
- Statement on Typhoon Haiyan: 28 November 2013
- Speaker addresses Hansard Society on designing a Parliament for 21st Century
- Lords debates apprenticeships
- Fundraising for Help A Capital Child
- Lords debates broadcasting and UK economy
- Urgent Question on diplomatic relations between UK and Spain
- Lords debates effective policing
- Urgent Question on Romanian and Bulgarian accession
- Statement on Post Office: 27 November 2013
- Commons Private Members’ Bills: 29 November 2013
- Prime Minister's Questions: 27 November 2013
- MPs debate the cost of living
- The HS2 (Phase One) Hybrid Bill video
- Westminster Hall debates: 26 November 2013
- Statement on Iran: 25 November 2013
- MPs debate remaining stages of the Gambling Bill
- Commons second reading: Water Bill
- Commons Private Members’ Bills: 22 November 2013
- Lords debates human rights violations
- Lords debates Church of England
- Urgent question on Gibraltar
- Lords Digital Chamber
- Statement: Start Up Loans
- MPs debate remaining stages of the Defence Reform Bill
- Urgent Question: EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
- Statement: response to Mid Staffs NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry
- NI Contributions Bill Committee announce evidence programme
- Lords debates High Speed Rail (Preparation) Bill
- Statement on the Philippines and the CHOGM: 18 November 2013
- Statement on Commission on Devolution in Wales: 18 November 2013
- Westminster Hall debates: 19 November 2013
- Prime Minister's Questions: 20 November 2013
- MPs debate childcare and women and the cost of living
- Parliament Hack 2013
- Lords video series: Women in Democracy
- MPs debate remaining stages of Northern Ireland Bill
- UK Youth Parliament in House of Commons Chamber
- Lords allowances claims
- Lord Speaker: 'The Politics of Public Engagement'
- Westminster Hall debates: 12 November 2013
- Parliament Week 2013: Lords activities, discussions and debates
- Urgent Question: Urgent and Emergency Care Review
- MPs debate housing benefit
- Statement on Iran and Syria: Monday 11 November 2013
- Have your say on the National Insurance Contributions Bill
- Commons second reading: Offender Rehabilitation Bill
- Review of Parliament’s online services
- Lords private members’ bills
- Parliament to hold event on women and transport
- Lords looks at UK-China relationship
- Lords debates armed forces
- Intelligence and Security Committee open evidence session
- Lords debates security services
- Have your say on the Gambling (Licensing and Advertising) Bill
- Statement on Aircraft Carriers and UK Shipbuilding: 6 November 2013
- Lord Speaker addresses President of Republic of Korea
- MPs debate plans to commemorate First World War
- MPs debate energy price freeze
- Statement on Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed: 4 November 2013
- President of the Republic of Korea visits UK Parliament
- Commons Private Members’ Bills: 8 November 2013
- Westminster Hall debates: 5 November 2013
- Commons second reading: Gambling (Licensing and Advertising) Bill
- Prime Minister's Questions: 6 November 2013
- Commons second reading: National Insurance Contributions Bill
- Commons Private Members' Bills: 1 November 2013
- Parliament invites students to Public Bill Open Lecture