Parliamentary News 2016

Government must incentivise energy storage and demand side response
Energy and Climate Change Committee report sets out energy policy implications of leaving EU
15 October 2016

Ensuring strong equalities legislation after EU exit
Women and Equalities Committee examines the implications of leaving the EU on equalities legislation and policy
14 October 2016

Work of Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy examined
Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee questions Permanent Secretary and Directors on industrial strategy and Brexit negotiations
14 October 2016

Work of Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy examined
Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee questions Permanent Secretary and Directors on industrial strategy and Brexit negotiations
14 October 2016

Work of Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy examined
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee questions Permanent Secretary and Directors on industrial strategy and Brexit negotiations
14 October 2016

Tax credit claims: Chair requests information from Concentrix and HMRC
Work and Pensions Committee Chair requests information on tax claims, staff training and KPIs
14 October 2016

Digital and telecoms experts advise Brexit inquiry
EU Internal Market Sub-Committee takes evidence on Thursday 20 October at 10.10am
14 October 2016

Ministry of Defence Annual Report And Accounts 2015–16
Defence Committee one off evidence session on Ministry of Defence Annual Reports and Accounts
14 October 2016

Committee visits Belfast and Dublin for Brexit: UK-Irish relations inquiry
EU Committee take evidence in Belfast and Dublin on 17 and 18 October
14 October 2016

Is there a health funding crisis?
NHS Sustainability Committee takes evidence at 10.05am on Tuesday 18 October
14 October 2016

How can charities best demonstrate their impact?
Select Committee on Charities takes evidence on Tuesday 18 October at 4.00pm
14 October 2016

Tackling corruption overseas - publication of Report
International Development Committee to publish report on Tackling corruption overseas
14 October 2016

Business leaders in Northern Ireland questioned
Northern Ireland Affairs Committee question business leaders in Northern Ireland, including Manufacturing NI and the Energy and Manufacturing Advisory Group
14 October 2016

Electricity sector in Northern Ireland examined
Northern Ireland Affairs Committee question Mutual Energy and NIE Networks
14 October 2016

Nominations for Home Affairs Committee Chair election
Nominations close on Tuesday 18 October at 12 midday
14 October 2016