Parliamentary News 2017
In this section

Meeting summary 8 February: Data Protection and the EU Institutions, ePrivacy
European Scrutiny Committee publishes their meeting summary for 8 February 2017
14 February 2017

Look carefully at future EU digital laws post-Brexit
European Scrutiny Committee report higlights complications of future data protection laws post-Brexit
14 February 2017

Brexit: environment and climate change report published
EU Committee publishes report on Brexit and environment and climate change policy
14 February 2017

Fourth Brexit Liaison Group Meeting held
Fourth Brexit Liaison Group Meeting held on Wednesday 8 February
13 February 2017

Government must show new grammars close attainment gap
Education Committee publishes report on Government's case for creating new grammar schools
13 February 2017

Leading UK aid contractor acted improperly
International Development Committee publishes Report on Conduct of Adam Smith International
12 February 2017

Governance code crucial for large companies with social impact
Work and Pensions Committee report calls for new duty on company directors
12 February 2017

Sport authorities must show 'zero tolerance' to homophobic abuse
Culture, Media and Sport Committee publishes report on homophobia in sport
12 February 2017

Parks face threat of decline with severe consequences
Communities and Local Government Committee publish report on public parks
11 February 2017

Close IHAT this year and immediately dismiss remaining weak cases
Defence Committee publishes report on MoD support for former and serving personnel
10 February 2017

Close IHAT this year and immediately dismiss remaining weak cases
Defence Committee publishes report on MoD support for former and serving personnel
10 February 2017

MPs debate publicly accessible amenities for people with disabilities
MPs took part in a Westminster Hall debate on 23 February
10 February 2017

MPs debate unaccompanied children in Greece and Italy
On 23 February MPs debated a motion in the House of Commons
10 February 2017

Justice Committee: weekly update
Justice Committee publishes brief summary of activities
10 February 2017

Transparency needed on the report into RBS' Global Restructuring Group
Treasury Committee publishes responses from RBS and the Financial Conduct Authority
10 February 2017