Parliament, government and politics Parliament, government and politics news from UK Parliament. Total results 11536 (page 770 of 770) First« Previous‹ 760 ... 767 768 769 770 Vince Cable to appear before Business Committee MPs look at the Sheffield Forgemasters' cancelled loan 13 October 2010 Total results 11536 (page 770 of 770) First« Previous‹ 760 ... 767 768 769 770 In this section News from UK Parliament Parliament, government and politics Central government Church and state Constitution Crown Devolution Elections Freedom of information Legislative process Local government Parliament Political parties Public administration Statistics policy More Parliament news Coming up in the Commons 24-28 March 10 years on is the Modern Slavery Act still fit for purpose? Women and Equalities Committee to hear evidence on paternity and shared parental leave reforms What's on in the Lords 24-28 March Lords 'tidies up' the Football Governance Bill