Central government
Central government news from UK Parliament.

Evidence taken into future of AstraZeneca
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee hear from Unions, Pfizer and AstraZeneca at 9.30am
13 May 2014

BIS Annual Report and Accounts 2012-13
Committee hearing from the Secretary of State, Permananet Secretary and the Director General Finance on BIS Annual Report and Accounts 2012-13
22 January 2014

Vince Cable and Michael Fallon questioned on Royal Mail privatisation
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee hears evidence from 9.30am
27 November 2013

BIS and DCLG Ministers questioned on UK retail sector
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee takes evidence from Ministers and Bill Grimsey from 9.30am
29 October 2013

Final evidence session on the Kay Review
BIS Committee hears from Rt Hon Vince Cable MP at 11.30am on Tuesday 26 March
26 March 2013

Further evidence on BIS Annual Report and Accounts 2011-12
Secretary of State and Permanent Secretary to give evidence
22 January 2013

Committee takes evidence on BIS Annual Report and Accounts 2011-12
Secretary of State and Permanent Secretary to give evidence
30 October 2012