Non-departmental public bodies
Non-departmental public bodies news from UK Parliament.

Committee Inquiry into European Union Bill
15 November 2010

Committee takes evidence on Northern Ireland corporation tax rate
15 November 2010

New Application form for Backbench Debates
15 November 2010

Foreign Secretary to give evidence on Afghanistan and Pakistan
15 November 2010

MPs question Environment Secretary about impact of Comprehensive Spending Review
15 November 2010

Committee publishes report on Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill
12 November 2010

Lords EU Committee heard evidence from chair of European Parliament Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee
12 November 2010

Embedding sustainable development across Government - oral evidence session announced
12 November 2010

Codifying central and local Government 18 November 2010
12 November 2010

Transport Committee oral evidence session
12 November 2010

Inquiry Announcement
12 November 2010

Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc) Act 2004 (Remedial) Order 2010
12 November 2010

Committee to question Permanent Secretary on the work of DFID
12 November 2010

Committee announces inquiry into the Humanitarian Response to the Pakistan Floods
12 November 2010

Joint Committee publishes report on Terrorist Asset-Freezing etc Bill
12 November 2010