Non-departmental public bodies Non-departmental public bodies news from UK Parliament. Total results 31637 (page 2110 of 2110) First« Previous‹ 2100 ... 2107 2108 2109 2110 Parties to reveal selection process 25 November 2009 Announcement of inquiry 12 November 2008 Total results 31637 (page 2110 of 2110) First« Previous‹ 2100 ... 2107 2108 2109 2110 More Parliament news MPs to hold a debate on free school meals Call for evidence: Legislative Scrutiny of Border Security, Asylum and Immigration Bill Lords private members' bills in the 2024-25 session ESNZ Committee seeking applications for Specialist Adviser Consumer Energy Minister, Martin Lewis and Ofgem among witnesses for back-billing and home retrofit session