Committee news from UK Parliament.

Minister questioned on response to courts and tribunals fees report
Justice Committee hears from Sir Oliver Heald QC MP, Minister of State for Courts and Justice
14 December 2016

Secretary of State for Exiting the EU questioned
Exiting the European Union Committee questions David Davis MP on negotiating objectives for EU withdrawal
14 December 2016

David Mundell questioned on UK Government's Brexit plans
Scottish Affairs Committee also examines how Scottish interests will inform Government's priorities for Brexit
14 December 2016

Primary Assessment impact on teaching, learning and pupil wellbeing examined
Education Committee hears from school teachers and NAHT General Secretary
14 December 2016

£285 million airport fiasco has unquestionably failed British taxpayers
Public Accounts Committee publishes report on St Helena Airport project
14 December 2016

Evidence sought on delegated powers before introduction of 'Great Repeal Bill'
Constitution Committee publishes Call for Evidence on the delegation of powers
13 December 2016

Air quality examined with Ministers, Deputy Mayor and ClientEarth
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee looks at high court ruling and plans to tackle air pollution
13 December 2016

Culture Secretary gives evidence to Committee
Communications Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 13 December at 3.30pm
13 December 2016

Implications of Brexit for cross-border policing and criminal justice
Northern Ireland Affairs Committee takes evidence from the Police Service of Northern Ireland
13 December 2016

Economic Affairs Committee criticises Government Response to its Housing Report
Economic Affairs Committee publishes the Government's response to its report - Building more homes
13 December 2016

Backbench Business Committee weekly meeting 13 December 2016
MPs to bid for a number of debates including on Holocaust Memorial Day
13 December 2016

South Sudan humanitarian crisis and conflict examined
International Development Committee challenges ministers on what they are doing about the situation
13 December 2016

Post-Brexit UK, the World Trade Organization and agricultural trade
International Trade Committee examines the workings of the WTO and feasibility of future relationships
13 December 2016

Senior legal experts consider civil justice cooperation post Brexit
EU Justice Sub-Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 13 December at 11:00am
13 December 2016

Government ministers give evidence to Licensing Committee
Licensing Act 2003 Committee takes evidence on 13 December 2016 at 10.30am
13 December 2016