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Committee news from UK Parliament.

Total results 8535 (page 484 of 569)
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Is there a link between digital exclusion and financial exclusion?
Financial Exclusion Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 15 November at 10.40am
15 November 2016
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Is London prepared for driverless cars?
Lords Science and Technology Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 15 November at 10.40am
15 November 2016
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Syrian refugee crisis - is Government policy working?
International Development Committee takes evidence from DFID and Immigration Minister
14 November 2016
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Network Rail questioned on rail safety
Transport Committee hears from Network Rail and safety organisations on railway safety
14 November 2016
NHS Chief Executives discuss long-term sustainability of the NHS
NHS Sustainability Committee takes evidence at 10.05am on Tuesday 15 November
14 November 2016
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
How important is philanthropy to charities?
Select Committee on Charities takes evidence on Tuesday 15 November at 4.00pm
11 November 2016
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
EU Committees Brexit inquiries update: 11 November 2016
The European Union Committee and its six sub-committees continue their co-ordinated inquiries
11 November 2016
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Latest technological developments in energy sector explored by Committee
Economic Affairs Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 15 November at 3.35pm
10 November 2016
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
What is the Government's vision for environment and climate change policy post-Brexit?
EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee takes evidence on Wednesday 16 November at 11am
09 November 2016
Policy experts questioned on the Legislative Process inquiry
Constitution Committee hears evidence on 9 November at 10.30am
09 November 2016
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Regional experts discuss UK-Gulf relations
International Relations Committee takes evidence on 9 November 2016 at 10.30am
09 November 2016
Doubts over jobcentre role in flagship work and health programme
Work and Pensions Committee finds grave concerns over challenges faced by Work Coaches in Jobcentre Plus
09 November 2016
Lessons for whole of Government from successful assets sell-off
Public Accounts Committee publishes report on the sale of Northern Rock assets
09 November 2016
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Proposals for 2017-18 ad hoc committees sought
Liaison Committee Chairman Lord McFall invites members of the House to put forward their proposals for ad hoc committees in the 2017-18 session.
08 November 2016
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
What is the role of charities and regulators in devolved nations?
Select Committee on Charities takes evidence on Tuesday 8 November at 4.00pm
08 November 2016
Total results 8535 (page 484 of 569)