Committee news from UK Parliament.

Committee hears German perspective on EU Strategic Review
EU External Affairs Sub-Committee takes evidence on Wednesday 11 November at 2.35pm
11 November 2015

MPs debate male suicide and International Men's Day
Backbench Business debate on male suicide and International Men's Day in Westminster Hall on 19 November
11 November 2015

MPs debate new cancer strategy
Backbench Business debate on a new cancer strategy on 19 November
11 November 2015

MPs debate Famagusta in the Commons
Backbench Business debate on Famagusta on Monday 16 November
11 November 2015

MPs debate the preparations for the Paris climate change conference
Backbench Business debate on preparations for the Paris climate change conference on 19 November
11 November 2015

MPs debate membership of the UK Delegation to PACE
Backbench Business debate on Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on 16 November
11 November 2015

Ofsted gives evidence on employment opportunities for young people
Social Mobility Committee takes evidence on Wednesday 11 November at 10.35am
11 November 2015

City deals highlight need for clear accountability in devolution
Public Accounts Committee publishes report on devolving responsibilities to cities in England
11 November 2015

Committee examines the international perspective of the Union and devolution
Constitution Committee takes evidence on Wednesday 11 November at 10.30am
10 November 2015

Committee hears evidence on African Union and refugees
Sexual Violence in Conflict Committee holds two evidence sessions on Tuesday 10 November
10 November 2015

Are we doing enough to protect the historic built environment?
Built Environment Committee takes evidence on Wednesday 11 November at 10.10am
10 November 2015

BBC Director-General gives evidence on public purposes
Communications Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 10 November at 3.30pm
10 November 2015

Users of the Equality Act 2010 give evidence to Committee
Equality Act 2010 and Disability Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 10 November
10 November 2015

Committee takes evidence from the European Commission on GM insects
Lords Science and Technology Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 10 November
10 November 2015

Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill examined
Communities and Local Government Committee holds evidence session on health devolution and devolution to non-metropolitan areas
10 November 2015