Committee news from UK Parliament.

Committee announces final evidence session for inquiry into Women in the Workplace
Witnesses include Women's Business Council, Jo Swinson MP, and Rt Hon Maria Miller MP
15 January 2013

Business, Innovation and Skills Committee question Lord Heseltine
MPs take evidence on recently published Report, 'No Stone Unturned in Pursuit of Growth'
11 December 2012

Further evidence on women in the workplace
Witnesses include Dr Margaret Mountford and Hilary Devey
04 December 2012

Women in the workplace inquiry begins
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee takes evidence
20 November 2012

MPs to appear on BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour
BIS Committee members to appear on radio to discuss inquiry into ‘Women in the workplace'
13 November 2012

Urgent reform needed for apprenticeships programme to succeed
Publication of the report is culmination of 11 month inquiry
06 November 2012

Committee takes evidence on BIS Annual Report and Accounts 2011-12
Secretary of State and Permanent Secretary to give evidence
30 October 2012

Committee publishes report on Overseas Students and Net Migration
Reclassify overseas students so they don't count towards net migration figures, says BIS Committee report
06 September 2012

Evidence on bank lending and business growth
Committee questions Secretary of State Vince Cable
17 July 2012

Post Office network transformation report published
MPs report on Government's proposals for change to the ownership and administration of the Post Office network
17 July 2012

MPs take evidence Government's reforms of Higher Education
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee questions Minister for Universities and Science
04 July 2012

Committee holds final evidence session on UK Trade and Investment relations with Brazil
MPs question UKTI and Minister for Trade and Investment
03 July 2012

Committee holds one-off evidence session on Executive Pay
Committee hears from Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills
27 June 2012

Committee publishes report on the Hargreaves Review of Intellectual Property
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee publishes report
27 June 2012

Committee to hear evidence on Student Visas: follow-up
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee takes evidence
26 June 2012