Commons news from UK Parliament.

Westminster Hall to hold a general debate on violence against Christians in central African countries
MPs to hold a general debate on violence against Christians in central African countries
20 September 2021

MPs to hold a debate on a motion on Human Rights in Kashmir
MPs to hold a debate on a motion on Human Rights in Kashmir
20 September 2021

MPs to hold a general debate on Baby Loss Awareness Week
MPs to hold a general debate on Baby Loss Awareness Week
20 September 2021

Westminster Hall to hold a general debate on the vaccination of children against covid-19
MPs to hold a general debate on the vaccination of children against covid-19
20 September 2021

MPs to question BBC senior leaders
Committee to question the BBC’s senior leaders in its regular scrutiny of the work of the corporation
20 September 2021

MPs to investigate NHS backlog’s impact on mental health, general practice and long covid care
Committee to hear from leaders in general practice, mental health, and long covid services
20 September 2021

Committee to question Pensions Regulator, FCA and MaPS
Committee to question Pensions Regulator, FCA and MaPS
20 September 2021

Senior parliamentarians criticise failures in government security planning
Committee to publish its report on The UK’s national security machinery
19 September 2021

The UK's national security machinery
Committee to publish its report on The UK's national security machinery on Sunday
17 September 2021

Coming Up in the Commons: 20-24 September
We’ve put together a list of highlights coming up this week in the House of Commons Chamber.
17 September 2021

New inquiry – Open Justice: Court reporting in the digital age
Committee launches a new short inquiry into open justice and court reporting in the digital age
17 September 2021

Scottish renewables progress hampered by grid connection charges
Scottish Affairs Committee publishes renewable energy in Scotland report
16 September 2021

Nuclear power station at Wylfa Newydd to be examined by the Welsh Affairs Committee
Committee to examine nuclear power station at Wylfa Newydd
16 September 2021

Y Pwyllgor Materion Cymreig i edrych ar orsaf bŵer niwclear Wylfa Newydd
Committee to examine nuclear power station at Wylfa Newydd
16 September 2021

European Statutory Instruments Committee publishes fourth report
European Statutory Instruments Committee publishes fourth report
16 September 2021