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Commons news from UK Parliament.

Total results 4382 (page 217 of 293)
Public Sector Food Procurement inquiry hearing held by committee
Committee holds its first oral evidence session as part of its inquiry into Public Sector Procurement of Food.
05 November 2020
Premier League and EFL chiefs questiones over football rescue package negotiations
Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee investigates the broader issues surrounding the sustainability of football at a more grassroots level
05 November 2020
Defence Committee has launched its Sub-Committee on Foreign Involvement in the Defence Supply Chain
The Sub-Committee’s inquiry scrutinises the vulnerabilities of the UK’s defence supply chain following the Covid-19 pandemic
04 November 2020
Decisions of the Petitions committee, 3 November 2020
Committee considers all e-petitions
04 November 2020
Chancellor responds to Chair on economic impact of coronavirus interventions
Treasury Committee say “Essential” that Treasury publishes work on economic impact of coronavirus interventions ahead of today’s vote
04 November 2020
Committee on Standards publishes House of Commons and the criminal law report
Committee on Standards publishes Tenth Report
04 November 2020
MPs to debate petition relating to attendance at football matches during Covid-19
MPs to debate a petition relating to spectator attendance at football matches during Covid-19.
04 November 2020
Government officials questioned on arms export controls: Initial review
Committees on Arms Export Controls examines the consequences for the arms export control system of the DfID/FCO merger
03 November 2020
Paymaster General questioned on biosecurity and national security
Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy explore how prepared the UK was for a pandemic at the start of 2020
03 November 2020
Ministers questioned on gendered economic impact of coronavirus
Women and Equalities Committee considers how the economic impact of Covid-19 has been different for men and women
03 November 2020
Committee to question Liz Truss on work of her Department
Secretary of State to be questioned on trade deal with Japan and trade negotiations with the United States, Australia and New Zealand
03 November 2020
Fashion, retail and information technology businesses to give evidence
Boohoo, H&M, TikTok, The North Face, and Nike to give evidence as part of the committee's inquiry into Forced labour in UK value chains
03 November 2020
Register interest in Industrial Strategy roundtables
Register your interest for an online roundtable with the MPs on the Business Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee.
03 November 2020
Committee questions Minister on points-based immigration system, EU Settlement Scheme and Hong Kong visa offer
Evidence session will question Minister for Future Borders and Immigration
03 November 2020
Chair to lead debate on COVID-19 and food supply
Westminster Hall Debate: 3pm, Thursday 5 November
03 November 2020
Total results 4382 (page 217 of 293)