Commons news from UK Parliament.

Hitachi Wylfa withdrawal a blow to Wales and UK
Chair comments on Hitachi's decision to withdraw from Wylfa nuclear project
16 September 2020

Committee launches new inquiry on Xinjiang Detention Camps
Committee launches an inquiry into the Xinjiang detention camps
16 September 2020

Industry experts questioned on OneWeb deal
Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee explores topics including satellite innovation, cost and design
16 September 2020

PAC condemns “badly missed” target to make thousands of Grenfell-style cladding homes safe
Committee publish their report, Progress on remediating dangerous cladding
16 September 2020

MPs to present concerns to Ministers on support for households during COVID-19
Committee to hold a hybrid e-petitions session to put concerns to Ministers on support for households during the COVID-19 pandemic.
15 September 2020

Chair comment's on today’s publication of BBC Group Annual Report and Accounts 2019/20
Value for money a key issue in light of alternative streaming services, increases to pay of on-air talent and number of executives paid over £150,000 a year
15 September 2020

Insurance ruling provides “hope” for businesses disrupted by coronavirus
Businesses interrupted by coronavirus to receive insurance pay-outs
15 September 2020

Minister questioned on Electronic Waste and the Circular Economy
Environmental Audit Committee hears from DEFRA Minister as it concludes its inquiry on Electronic Waste and the Circular Economy
14 September 2020

We must slam the brakes on biodiversity loss, says Chair
Environmental Audit Committee Chair comments on Sir David Attenborough documentary on extinction and UN biodiversity targets
14 September 2020

Coming up in the Commons, 14–18 September 2020
Wondering what’s happening in the Chamber this week? We’ve put together a list of highlights to keep you on top of the legislation, debates and questions you need to know about.
14 September 2020

Pension freedoms and protecting savers: Committee holds first oral evidence session on pension scams
Consumer groups and pension industry experts questioned on pension scams
11 September 2020

Committee to hold Pre-Appointment Hearing for the role of HM Chief Inspector of Prisons
Committee to question Government's preferred candidate for the role of HM Chief Inspector of Prisons
11 September 2020

This week in the Commons: 7-11 September
Your guide to this week's events in the Chamber.
11 September 2020

Committee questions Scottish and Welsh Governments on Internal Market Bill and Brexit preparedness
Committee to hold a virtual evidence session, featuring representatives from the Scottish and Welsh Governments.
11 September 2020

Streaming giant Netflix to be questioned by MPs, alongside Sky and Channel 5
MPs to hear from senior executives on Netflix’s role as the leading subscription video on demand service in the UK in its inquiry into the future of public service broadcasting
11 September 2020