Commons news from UK Parliament.

Coming up in the Commons 10-14 July
Find out what's coming up in the House of Commons 10-14 July
07 July 2023

MPs to debate freehold estate management fees
MPs to debate freehold estate management fees
07 July 2023

MPs to debate the management culture at Post Office Ltd
MPs to debate the management culture at Post Office Ltd
07 July 2023

MPs to debate the Third Report of the Health and Social Care Committee, Workforce: recruitment, training and retention in health and social care, and the Government response
MPs to debate the Third Report of the Health and Social Care Committee and the Government response
07 July 2023

MPs to debate on a motion on the Second Report of the Foreign Affairs Committee, The cost of complacency: illicit finance and the war in Ukraine, and the Government response
MPs to debate on a motion on the Second Report of the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Government response
07 July 2023

MPs to hold a debate on UN High-Level meetings in 2023
MPs to hold a debate on UN High-Level meetings in 2023
07 July 2023

MPs and Peers visit Brussels for third UK-EU Parliamentary Partnership Assembly
This week MPs and Peers from the UK delegation of the Parliamentary Partnership Assembly (PPA) headed to Brussels for meetings with their counterparts at the European Parliament
06 July 2023

Procedure Committee reopens territorial constitution inquiry
Procedure Committee examines options for Overseas Territories representation within the House of Commons
06 July 2023

Treasury Financial Services Regulations Sub-Committee publishes quarterly progress report
Treasury Committee’s Financial Services Regulations Sub-Committee publishes an outline of its work in the second quarter of 2023
06 July 2023

How can Government harness new data to improve policies?
Committee launches a new inquiry into the collection and analysis of data by Government and public bodies
06 July 2023

Government takes forward recommendations from Scottish Affairs Committee firearms licensing inquiry
Scottish Affairs Committee publishes the Government’s response to its inquiry on firearms licensing regulations in Scotland
05 July 2023

Education Committee blasts ‘disappointing’ Govt response to T Levels report
Committee publishes Government Response to Committee report The future of post-16 qualifications
05 July 2023

FCA responds to Treasury Committee on supervision of Odey Asset Management
The Treasury Committee today publishes correspondence from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) on the regulator’s supervision of Odey Asset Management
05 July 2023

Sexual harassment and abuse of female students and staff a serious problem in education, find MPs
Committee publishes their report on Attitudes towards women and girls in educational settings
05 July 2023

ESNZ Committee holds stakeholder engagement event to help set inquiry priorities
Organisations from across the energy and environment sectors met MPs last week to help inform the new Energy Security and Net Zero Committee’s work
04 July 2023