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Commons news from UK Parliament.

Total results 4379 (page 70 of 292)
MPs examine Sudan conflict and FAC survey results
Foreign Affairs Committee hold its second spotlight session on the situation in Sudan
20 June 2023
Lack of transparency on non-executive directors in Government, say MPs
In a new report, the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee highlights a lack of transparency on the appointment and activities of non-executive directors in Government.
19 June 2023
TV’s Adam Henson joins Committee and Minister at Great Yorkshire Show
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee to visit Great Yorkshire Show
19 June 2023
Speaker discusses WW2 resistance with Luxembourg ambassador
Speaker meets Luxembourg Ambassador
19 June 2023
Coming up in the Commons 19-23 June
Find out what's coming up in the House of Commons 19-23 June
16 June 2023
MPs to hold a debate on volumetric concrete mobile plants
MPs to hold a debate on volumetric concrete mobile plants
16 June 2023
MPs to hold a debate on the Mariana Dam disaster
MPs to hold a debate on the Mariana Dam disaster
16 June 2023
MPs to debate the Smokefree 2030 target
MPs to debate the Smokefree 2030 target
16 June 2023
MPs to debate the BBC’s proposals for the future of local radio
MPs to debate the BBC’s proposals for the future of local radio
16 June 2023
MPs to hold a debate on the Infected Blood inquiry
MPs to hold a debate on the Infected Blood inquiry
16 June 2023
Energy bills support took too long to get to those most in need
Public Accounts Committee publishes report on energy bills support
15 June 2023
Tax system an “obstacle to economic dynamism” and Government efforts to simplify it need scrutiny, says Treasury Committee
The Treasury Committee calls for enhanced accountability of Government efforts to simplify the UK’s overcomplicated tax system.
15 June 2023
Welsh Secretary questioned on issues ranging from energy infrastructure to sewage pollution
Welsh Affairs Committee examines the responsibilities of the Secretary of State for Wales
15 June 2023
Treasury Committee writes to FCA on allegations around Odey Asset Management
Following allegations raised by the Financial Times, the Committee asks a series of questions on the regulator’s supervision of Odey Asset Management and Crispin Odey
14 June 2023
Government publishes response to Committee’s Integrated Care Systems report
The publication sets out the Government's response to recommendations made in the Hewitt Review.
14 June 2023
Total results 4379 (page 70 of 292)