House of Commons
House of Commons news from UK Parliament.

Voting procedures in the House of Commons
The motion allowing hybrid proceedings to take place lapsed on 20 May, meaning that remote participation is no longer possible.
03 June 2020

CANZUK leaders to request Special Envoy for Hong Kong
Chairs of CANZUK FACs ask UN and Prime Ministers to establish Special Envoy in response to China-Hong Kong crisis
03 June 2020

Business and public will struggle with parallel Covid-19 and Brexit messages
Committee publish report EU Exit: Get ready for Brexit Campaign
03 June 2020

Speakers' tribute on VE Day
The quest for freedom that was fought for so bitterly during the Second World War has a special resonance this year, with the country under lockdown.
02 June 2020

Committee concerned by delayed investigation into London Capital and Finance
Committee concerned by delayed investigation into London Capital and Finance
02 June 2020

Government response to Post Office Network report published
Government response to Post Office Network report published
02 June 2020

Temporary changes to how petitions are checked
Temporary changes to how petitions are checked
02 June 2020

Foreign Secretary makes statement on Hong Kong National Security Legislation and UK response
Dominic Raab MP gives statement on Hong Kong National Security Legislation and UK response
02 June 2020

Committee Chair: Immediate compensation payments to Troubles victims ‘moral imperative'
Committee Chair: Immediate compensation payments to Troubles victims ‘moral imperative'
02 June 2020

Chair writes to Prime Minister on Covid-19 test and trace service
Chair writes to Prime Minister on Covid-19 test and trace service
02 June 2020

Speaker outlines new voting measures
There will still be a need for call lists for MPs takng part in urgent questions, statements and questions to Ministers.
01 June 2020

The rise of private petitioning in the House of Commons, 1604-1629
This month, Dr Andrew Thrush looks at the rise of private petitioning in the House of Commons, 1604-1629
01 June 2020

MPs to take evidence on Covid-19 ‘test and trace' strategy
MPs to take evidence on Covid-19 ‘test and trace' strategy
29 May 2020

MPs to hold evidence session to explore potential of offshore wind
MPs to hold evidence session to explore potential of offshore wind
29 May 2020

Government requests recall of Parliament
The Speaker writes to MPs to explain why he has accepted the recall request.
28 May 2020