House of Commons
House of Commons news from UK Parliament.

Ross McEwan, RBS CEO, quizzed on branch closures
Scottish Affairs Committee questions the CEO of the Royal Bank of Scotland
08 May 2018

Solutions to combat sexual exploitation in the aid sector examined
International Development Committee takes evidence from the charity sector and private contractors
08 May 2018

Western Balkan six on their path to EU membership?
Committee investigates whether the process of EU accession is proving an effective driver for reform of the Western Balkan six
04 May 2018

Departments have no clear plan in face of impossible challenge
Public Accounts Committee report says preparations for Brexit are being hampered by uncertainty
04 May 2018

Enforcing Human Rights: provision of legal aid and assistance
Joint Committee on Human Rights examines attitudes to enforcement of Human Rights
02 May 2018

The FCO's preparations for the 2018 FIFA World Cup
Committee examines risks faced by UK nationals travelling to Russia during the World Cup
02 May 2018

Proposals for sustainable fisheries management system examined
Northern Ireland Affairs Committee hears from representatives of Northern Ireland Marine Task Force
02 May 2018

Sugar-industry representatives questioned on trade with developing Commonwealth countries
International Trade Committee hears from both beet-sugar producers and cane-sugar refiners, as well as an academic
02 May 2018

MPs put spotlight on sexual harassment
Women and Equalities Committee examine impact of sexual harassment of women and girls in public places
02 May 2018

Minister and Groceries Code Adjudicator questioned by Committee
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee examines the work and role of Groceries Code Adjudicator (GCA)
02 May 2018

Modern Slavery: co-ordinated action critical to helping victims
Public Accounts Committee finds Government still lacks data and systems to properly understand the crime
02 May 2018

Police response to vulnerable people examined
The Home Affairs Committee examines police response to vulnerable people and neighbourhood policing
01 May 2018

Secretary of State examined on oversight of non-DFID ODA
International Development Committee takes evidence on the definition of ODA
01 May 2018

Minister discusses agriculture post-Brexit
Welsh Affairs Committee examines Defra's proposals for the future of Welsh agriculture and trade
01 May 2018

Academics questioned on responsibility to protect and humanitarian intervention
Committee examines legal basis for states to intervene militarily in other states for humanitarian purposes
01 May 2018