House of Commons
House of Commons news from UK Parliament.

Recruiting and retaining teachers will remain a significant challenge
Education Committee publishes Government response to recruitment and retention of teachers report
02 May 2017

Future Government must secure compensation for Gaddafi sponsored terrorism victims
Northern Ireland Affairs Committee publish report on victims of IRA attacks
02 May 2017

Civil service inquiry breaks new ground as Government approaches Brexit
Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee publishes report on work of civil service
02 May 2017

Government must act urgently to end Brexit risk to nuclear industry
Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee publishes report on post-Brexit energy and climate change policy
02 May 2017

Inappropriate to use the Local Housing Allowance rate, says Committee
Work and Pensions and Communities and Local Government Committees publish report on supported housing
01 May 2017

Four years to halt electricity supply deficit in Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Affairs Committee report calls for investment in infrastructure
01 May 2017

"Gig economy" companies free-riding on the welfare state
Work and Pensions Committee says Government must close loopholes allowing "bogus" self-employment practices
01 May 2017

Social media companies "shamefully far" from tackling illegal and dangerous content
Home Affairs Committee publishes report on hate crime, criticising biggest and richest social media companies
01 May 2017

MPs urge greater support for regenerative medicine
Science and Technology Committee publishes report on regenerative medicine
30 April 2017

Government and supermarkets must do more to prevent food waste scandal
Environment Food and Rural Affairs Committee report on the financial cost of wasted food
30 April 2017

"Inexcusable" lack of support for modern slavery victims
Work and Pensions Committee says failures in the UK's system allow abusers to go free
30 April 2017

End dominance of big homebuilding firms to fix broken market
Communities and Local Government Committee report on capacity in the homebuilding industry
29 April 2017

Clarity on future of chemicals regulation needed
Environmental Audit Committee's the Future of Chemicals Regulation after the EU Referendum report published
29 April 2017

Commercial spaceflight poised for take-off from the UK
Science and Technology Committee publishes report on Draft Spaceflight Bill
29 April 2017

Updates on negotiating positions of wide range of dossiers published
European Scrutiny Committee report providing updates on negotiating positions on wide range of dossiers
28 April 2017