House of Commons
House of Commons news from UK Parliament.

Use of consultants and temporary staff examined
Public Accounts Committee reviews use of consultants and temporary staff in Government
29 January 2016

Chief Secretary to the Treasury questioned on fiscal framework
Scottish Affairs Committee questions Rt Hon Greg Hands on funding powers
29 January 2016

Google, Facebook and Twitter: countering extremism on social media
Home Affairs Committee questions social media organisations and counter-terrorism groups on countering extremism
29 January 2016

Financial regulatory bodies examine UK's EU membership
Treasury Committee hears from the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority
28 January 2016

Interrupting ISIL's finance flow examined by Sub-committee
Foreign Affairs Sub-committee takes evidence on UK's role in interrupting flow of financing to ISIL
28 January 2016

Ministers questioned on air pollution
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee questions Oliver Letwin on policies to tackle air pollution
28 January 2016

BBC Trust and S4C questioned by Committee
Welsh Affairs Committee takes evidence from BBC and S4C on broadcasting in Wales
28 January 2016

Baroness Altmann questioned on bereavement benefits
Work and Pensions Committee hears from Minister on help with funeral costs
26 January 2016

Regional powers role in fight against ISIL explored
Foreign Affairs Committee explores regional powers and prospect of Syrian Government and opposition peace talks
26 January 2016

Italian and Hungarian parliamentarians give evidence on migration crisis
Home Affairs Committee questions Khalid Chaouki and Gergely Gulyás on the migration crisis
26 January 2016

Secretary of State gives evidence on work of Defra
EFRA Committee questions Elizabeth Truss on flood recovery and Common Agricultural Policy
26 January 2016

Sir Martin Narey questioned on children's residential care review
Education Committee hears from Sir Martin Narey on purpose, scope, and conduct of review
26 January 2016

Bank of England top executives questioned on Financial Stability Report
Treasury Committee questions Bank of England for bi-annual hearing on Bank's Financial Stability Report
25 January 2016

Senior judges give evidence on increased court and tribunal fees
Justice Committee holds evidence session on courts and tribunal fees and charges
25 January 2016

Information Commissioner questioned on cyber security and online data protection
Culture, Media and Sport Committee hears from Christopher Graham on cyber security
25 January 2016