House of Commons
House of Commons news from UK Parliament.

Vince Cable and Michael Fallon questioned on Royal Mail privatisation
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee hears evidence from 9.30am
27 November 2013

MPs hold second evidence session on Royal Mail privatisation
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee hears from banking industry representatives who provided Royal Mail valuations before privatisation
20 November 2013

MPs question Payday Loan Companies
Business Innovation and Skills Committee question payday loan companies in a one-off evidence session
05 November 2013

MPs take evidence on Payday Loan Companies
The Business, Innovation and Skills Committee to hear from the payday loan industry
05 November 2013

BIS and DCLG Ministers questioned on UK retail sector
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee takes evidence from Ministers and Bill Grimsey from 9.30am
29 October 2013

Vincle Cable questioned on privatisation of Royal Mail
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee is holding a one-off evidence session on 9 October
09 October 2013

Government's Draft Consumer Rights Bill evidence begins
Committee to hear from consumer and business interests and the Law Commission
08 October 2013

Committee visit Gloucester for inquiry into UK retail sector
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee to hold public evidence session into the UK Retail Sector
12 September 2013

Government must drive implementation of Kay Review
Chair's comments on the publication of Report on The Kay Review of UK Equity Markets and Long-Term Decision Making
25 July 2013

There can be no more delays in establishing a Statutory Code for pub companies
Report on Statutory Code for Pub Companies Published
22 July 2013

Committee to hold second evidence session on UK Retail Sector
Committee to hear from USDAW, Association of Town & City Management (BIDs) and Market Rasen Town Team
25 June 2013

David Willetts MP questioned on Open Access
Committee to hold final evidence session in its inquiry into Open Access
14 May 2013

Final evidence session on the Kay Review
BIS Committee hears from Rt Hon Vince Cable MP at 11.30am on Tuesday 26 March
26 March 2013

Committee takes evidence on the work of the Office for Fair Access
The Business, Innovation and Skills Committee will take evidence from UCAS and Professor Les Ebdon, the Director of the Office for Fair Access, on Tuesday 19 March
19 March 2013