House of Lords
House of Lords news from UK Parliament.

Lord Chancellor gives annual evidence to Constitution committee
Constitution Committee takes evidence on Wednesday 2 December at 10.30am
30 November 2015

Draft Investigatory Powers Bill call for evidence published
Joint Committee on the Draft Investigatory Powers Bill publishes its call for evidence
30 November 2015

Members of Lords EU Committee attend 54th COSAC in Luxembourg
Delegation from Lords EU Committee attends COSAC from 29 November to 1 December
27 November 2015

Government and law enforcement agencies give evidence to Committee
Draft Investigatory Powers Bill Joint Committee takes evidence on Monday 30 November
27 November 2015

Social Mobility Committee visits Derby
On 24 November the Select Committee on Social Mobility visited Derby
26 November 2015

What role should local authorities play in the planning process?
Built Environment Committee takes evidence on Thursday 26 November at 10.10am
25 November 2015

International context of vocational education and training examined by Committee
Social Mobility Committee takes evidence on Wednesday 25 November at 10.35am
25 November 2015

Draft Investigatory Powers Bill to be considered by joint committee
The Committee will conduct pre-legislative scrutiny on the bill
25 November 2015

Consultants and academic give evidence on Economic and Monetary Union
EU Financial Affairs Committee takes evidence on 25 November 2015
24 November 2015

Campaign groups give evidence on the Union and devolution inquiry
Constitution Committee takes evidence on Wednesday 25 November at 10.30am
24 November 2015

Accessibility in the built environment examined by Committee
Equality Act 2010 and Disability Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 24 November
24 November 2015

Academic experts give evidence to vision of EU reform inquiry
EU Select Committee takes evidence at 4.05pm on Tuesday 24 November
24 November 2015

Google gives evidence to Online platforms inquiry
EU Internal Market Sub-Committee takes evidence on Monday 23 November 2015 at 5.00pm
23 November 2015

Scotland Bill proposals risk compromising parliamentary sovereignty
Constitution Committee publishes report on the Scotland Bill
23 November 2015

European Commission responds to 'Green Card' on food waste
EU Select Committee publish Commission response to 'Green Card' on Food Waste
20 November 2015