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House of Lords

House of Lords news from UK Parliament.

Total results 2957 (page 29 of 198)
Overview of House of Lords Committee activity in 2022-23
The House of Lords Liaison Committee today publishes its report on committee activity in 2022-23.
23 June 2023
British flag
Lords considers British Nationality (Regularisation of Past Practice) Bill
Members consider draft law to change rules regarding settled status of EU and Swiss nationals in the UK. Catch up
22 June 2023
Baroness Merron speaking in the Lords chamber
What's on in the Lords 19-22 June
Questions, legislations and debates: discover what's on in the House of Lords this week.
16 June 2023
Lords debates the current performance of the NHS
Members discuss innovation in the health service. Catch up
16 June 2023
Lords debates state of local government
Members discuss case for reinvigoration of local democracy. Catch up
16 June 2023
New Creative Industries Sector Vision takes up Lords Committee recommendations
Lords Committee welcome Government's adoption of several recommendations from 'At risk: our creative future report
14 June 2023
What's on in the Lords 5-8 June
Questions, legislations and debates: discover what's on in the House of Lords this week.
02 June 2023
Four short debates in the Lords
Members discuss prisons and probation, grey squirrels, British Overseas Territories and assistive technology in education. Catch up
26 May 2023
Northern Ireland (Interim Arrangements) Bill completes passage through Parliament
Members complete Lords stages. Catch up
25 May 2023
Seeking views on the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill
The Communications and Digital Committee is looking into and seeking your views on the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill.
24 May 2023
Applications open for schools to take part in the next youth engagement programme
The Environment and Climate Change Committee is offering secondary schools, sixth form colleges, and further education colleges the opportunity to work with the Committee by applying for its youth engagement programme for 14-18 year olds. 
19 May 2023
What's on in the Lords 22-25 May
Questions, legislation and debates: discover what's on in the House of Lords this week
19 May 2023
Houses of Parliament at night, lit up with the ruiver Thames in the foreground
Procedure and Privileges Committee publishes Fifth Report
The Committee has updated the text of the Prayers for the Parliament contained in the Companion
12 May 2023
A university lecture hall
Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Bill completes passage through Parliament
Members accept Commons changes. Catch up
12 May 2023
Lords Committee questions Government bringing forward previously rejected public order proposals
House of Lords Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee considers the Draft Public Order Act 1986 (Serious Disruption to the Life of the Community) Regulations 2023
11 May 2023
Total results 2957 (page 29 of 198)