Genetics news from UK Parliament.

Lords debates Northern Ireland abortion regulations
Members discussed NI Assembly rulings and 'negative stereotypes'
16 June 2020

Lords examines emergency Covid-19 legislation
Coronavirus Bill becomes law
26 March 2020

Could future medications target the ageing process?
Lords Science and Technology Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 10 March at 10.20am
06 March 2020

Committee questions NHS about healthcare data to assist older people
Lords Science and Technology Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 25 February at 10.20am
25 February 2020

Cognitive function and mental health in old age
Lords Science and Technology Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 11 February at 10.20am
11 February 2020

Committee to hear evidence on potential treatments to combat ageing
Lords Science and Technology Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 29 October at 10.25am
25 October 2019

Lords committee questions academics on the fundamental aspects of the ageing process
Lords Science and Technology Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 22 October at 10.25am
22 October 2019

Lords debates antimicrobial resistance action plan
Peers consider preventative plan
03 May 2019

Lords EU exit regulations: 21 March
Members discuss railway licensing, health services and chemical safety
22 March 2019

Lords EU exit regulations: 20 March
Peers consider agricultural policy, state aid and veterinary medicines
21 March 2019

Lords EU exit regulations: 19 March
Members discuss animal feed and genetically modified food
20 March 2019

Lords debates medicinal safety
Members consider risks of health treatments and devices
01 March 2019

Lords EU exit regulations: 7 February
Members discuss wireless telegraphy and credit rating agencies
08 February 2019

Lord debates NHS long-term plan
Members discuss case for integrated health and care system
01 February 2019

Lords debates NHS and healthcare data
Peers discuss use of data to improve public health
05 September 2018