Aviation Aviation news from UK Parliament. Total results 62 (page 5 of 5) First« Previous‹ 2 3 4 5 Benefits of surface transport to airports examined Transport Committee takes evidence for its surface transport to airports inquiry 26 October 2015 Sir Howard Davies gives evidence on Airport Commission findings Economic Affairs Committee take evidence at 4.05pm on Wednesday 15 July 15 July 2015 Total results 62 (page 5 of 5) First« Previous‹ 2 3 4 5 More Parliament news Consumer Energy Minister, Martin Lewis and Ofgem among witnesses for back-billing and home retrofit session Coming up in the Commons 17-21 March Women and Equalities Committee to hear from faith groups on the barriers and aids to community cohesion What's on in the Lords 17-20 March 75th anniversary of the European Convention on Human Rights in the spotlight