Consumers and personal finance: Key issues for the 2015 Parliament
This section of the Key Issues 2015 publication focuses on consumers and personal finance. This briefing was prepared by House of Commons Library researchers for Members of the new Parliament in 2015 and includes analysis of a range of subjects.

Defined contribution pension savings at retirement will have important implications for future pensioners, the pensions market, and the Exchequer, although the nature of these implications may not become clear for some time.

Monitoring the implementation of state pension reforms and deciding whether more is needed will be an issue for the current Parliament.

The objective of changes to consumers' rights is to empower consumers by creating a simplified and enhanced legal regime that affords greater rights when buying goods and services.

The structure and products of the retail financial services sector have presented some problems, along with low levels of financial capability among consumers. Changes to pension savings will make it important that consumers make well-informed choices