Management Board Papers Jul - Sept 2008
- Management Board agenda July 2008 (pdf 17KB)
- Management Board minutes July 2008 (pdf 86KB)
- MB2008.P.55 Action List (pdf 17KB)
- MB2008.P.57 Corporate risk management (pdf 75KB)
- MB2008.P.57a Review of corporate risk 3 (pdf 44KB)
- MB2008.P.58 Management report on staffing (pdf 116KB)
- MB2008.P.59 Outcome of 2009 staff survey (pdf 222KB)
- MB2008.P.59a Staff survey results (pdf 586KB)
- MB2008.P.60 Update on House Equality Scheme (pdf 31KB)
- MB2008.P.61 Unified fast stream and senior careers (pdf 328KB)
- MB2008.P.63 Accommodation survey (pdf 18KB)
- MB2008.P.64 Outcome of SMDP action groups (pdf 47KB)
- MB2008.P.65 Works of art website (pdf 14KB)
- MB2008.P.56 Performance Information (pdf 136KB)
No Management Board was held in August 2008
- Management Board agenda September 2008 (pdf 16KB)
- Management Board minutes September 2008 (pdf 51KB)
- MB2008.P.66 Action List (pdf 17KB)
- MB2008.P.67 Performance Information (pdf 132KB)
- MB2008.P.69 Staff survey (pdf 114KB)
- MB2008.P.69 Strategic direction (pdf 92KB)
- MB2008.P.71 Diversity goals for representation (pdf 106KB)
- MB2008.P.72 Amendment to internal audit plan (pdf 29KB)
- MB2008.P.73 Report on flood (pdf 20KB) (PDF 20KB)