2024 House of Lords Freedom of Information Responses
Responses to Freedom of Information requests received by the House of Lords in the calendar year 2024, where information was held and disclosed in part or in full, are published below.
Responses can be viewed in your browser or downloaded as a PDF document.
To view attachments that are included with responses, you will need to download the PDF document and open it using Microsoft Adobe software. The response attachments should be visible as a list of file names in the left-hand column of the document. You may need to click on the right-pointing arrow to open the left-hand column and then the paperclip symbol to view the attachment file names. To view an attachment, double click on its file name to open the document.
If you have any problems opening or viewing an attachment please contact us at foilords@parliament.uk, quoting the reference number shown on the response document (this will be the letters ‘FOI’ followed by four digits) or providing a link.
FOI 4252 - Champagne used for House of Lords events per month for the last 5 years (pdf, 84KB)
FOI 4253 - Information about award tender GSV2438 (pdf, 145KB)
FOI 4257 - Acts of Parliament passed after 1 January 1973 that carry Royal Assent (pdf, 102KB)
FOI 4260 - Provision of alcoholic beverages and meals to members of the House of Lords (pdf, 100KB)
FOI 4261 - Equality, diversity and inclusion events in the House of Lords in 2023 (pdf, 118KB)
FOI 4262 - Email addresses and mailboxes used by the House of Lords (pdf, 174KB)
FOI 4271 - Copy of paper presented to the Services Committee on 25 January 2024 (pdf, 343KB)
FOI 4273 - Networking, WiFi, telephony and contact centres in the House of Lords (pdf, 101KB)
FOI 4275 - Members sponsoring a spouse parliamentary pass since November 2022 (pdf, 107KB)
FOI 4274 - Recruitment of Deputy Yeoman Usher role in January 2024 (pdf, 163KB)
FOI 4284 - Data breaches, devices lost or stolen, cyber insurance policies (pdf, 124KB)
FOI 4286 - House of Lords restaurant menu tariffs (pdf, 6MB)
FOI 4287 - Contracts for Facilities Management services for the House of Lords (pdf, 602KB)
FOI 4289 - Number of offices for members of the House of Lords (pdf, 97KB)
FOI 4291 - Records relating to Petitions to appeal a decision of the Court of Appeal (pdf, 91KB)
FOI 4293 - Number of complaints of sexual misconduct over the past 5 years (pdf, 103KB)
FOI 4294 - Authors of, and the process of drafting, the Coronavirus Act 2020 (pdf, 102KB)
FOI 4295 - Number and location of all photocopiers on the Parliamentary estate (pdf, 83KB)
FOI 4313 - Make and models of microphone used in the House of Lords Chamber (pdf, 75KB)
FOI 4316 - Multi-Function devices, printers, photocopiers and reprographics services (pdf, 154KB)
FOI 4317 - Staff networks funding, staff time and events 2019-2023 (pdf, 206KB)
FOI 4323 - Questions on the name of the Monarch and the Crown (pdf, 460KB)
FOI 4327 - House of Lords logo guidelines or branding manual (pdf, 1MB)
FOI 4340 - Tender details relating to Victoria Tower Fabric Safety Project procurement (pdf, 115KB)
FOI 4342 - Telephony contracts and systems, Microsoft licences and data storage (pdf, 147KB)
FOI 4348 - Details of microphones used in House of Lords committee rooms (pdf, 83KB)
FOI 4349 - Cost of taking the Restoration & Renewal Sponsor Body work in-house (pdf, 131KB)
FOI 4352 - Number and colour of lanyards purchased by the House of Lords (pdf, 113KB)
FOI 4353 - Parliamentary passes sponsored by members of the House of Lords since 2019 (pdf, 154KB)
FOI 4355 - Incidents of falling masonry recorded in the last two years (pdf, 79KB)
FOI 4359 - Formal complaints process relating to Members of Parliament (pdf, 83KB)
FOI 4374 - Usage of fresh dairy milk and cream by the House of Lords (pdf, 142KB)
FOI 4380 - National fraud initiative audit and confirmation of payee software (pdf, 98KB)
FOI 4396 - Information relating to the Restoration and Renewal Programme (pdf, 192KB)
FOI 4401 - Status of Facilities Management contract with Churchill (pdf, 82KB)
FOI 4404 - Number and categories of parliamentary passes in April and August 2024 (pdf, 127KB)
FOI 4426 - Latest report on the Abingdon Street Fence, cost and design images (pdf, 473KB)
FOI 4428 - Number of sitting Peers with a criminal conviction (pdf, 79KB)
FOI 4433 - Information relating to the AI Working Group in Parliament (pdf, 951KB)
FOI 4435 - Cost to change clocks on the Parliamentary Estate on 26/27 October 2024 (pdf, 80KB)
FOI 4438 - Copies of papers presented to the House of Lords Commission (pdf, 7MB)
FOI 4443 - Names of Peers referred to in written question HL 1128 (pdf, 85KB)
FOI 4445 - Event hosted by member of the House of Lords (pdf, 408KB)
FOI 4448 - Artwork in Parliament (pdf, 110KB)
FOI 4450 - House of Lords Lager (pdf, 78KB)
FOI 4453 - Visual identity guidelines for the House of Lords and UK Parliament (pdf, 11MB)
FOI 4463 - Questions about live-streaming of a member's private event (pdf, 106KB)