Phone-hacking news from UK Parliament.

Baroness Neville-Jones gives evidence to the Joint Committee
16 June 2011

Government respond to the Committee's Grassroots Sport and the European Union report
16 June 2011

Government respond to the Committee's Grassroots Sport and the European Union report
16 June 2011

Committee to explore the role of health visitors
16 June 2011

Committee holds second evidence session on the Draft Groceries Code Adjudicator Bill
16 June 2011

Committee holds second evidence session on the Draft Groceries Code Adjudicator Bill
Committee to take evidence from Supermarkets
16 June 2011

Auditors report: Lords statement on Government response
16 June 2011

MPs taking evidence on school science experiments and field trips
16 June 2011

Human Rights Implications of Extradition Policy report to be published
16 June 2011

Scrutiny of public appointments by select committees
16 June 2011

NSPCC gives evidence in Lords 'Rights of the Child' scrutiny session
16 June 2011

MPs discuss report of the NHS Future Forum
16 June 2011

The Joint Committee on the Draft Defamation Bill has Deadline Extended
15 June 2011

The Joint Committee on the Draft Defamation Bill has Deadline Extended
15 June 2011

Environmental Audit Committee to hear evidence on Carbon Budgets
15 June 2011