Phone-hacking news from UK Parliament.

Subjects for Debate on 23 June
15 June 2011

Stop and Search without Reasonable Suspicion report published
15 June 2011

Climate Change Minister gave evidence to Lords
15 June 2011

Climate Change Minister to give evidence to Lords
15 June 2011

MPs take evidence on school science experiments and field trips
15 June 2011

UK should continue to provide aid to India, say MPs
14 June 2011

New Inquiry - Visitor Access and Facilities
14 June 2011

Coastguard, Emergency Towing Vessels and Maritime Incident Response Group report
14 June 2011

EU Select Committee hears evidence from the EU Foreign Policy Chief
14 June 2011

Mr Elliot Morley
14 June 2011

MPs take evidence today on Draft Groceries Code Adjudicator Bill
14 June 2011

MPs question the professional regulators for doctors and nurses
14 June 2011

HIV and AIDS: Public Health Minister to be questioned
14 June 2011

Unauthorised tapping into or hacking of mobile communications
14 June 2011

MPs continue their inquiry into Regeneration inquiry
13 June 2011