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Commons news from UK Parliament.

Total results 4379 (page 225 of 292)
Committee questions Michael Gove and Lord Frost
Committee on the Future Relationship with the European Union examines the state of play following the ninth round of formal talks
05 October 2020
Westminster Hall to hold a general debate on mental health support for frontline staff
On Thursday 8 October MPs will hold a debate on the mental health support for frontline staff in Westminster Hall.
05 October 2020
Westminster Hall to hold a general debate on No Recourse to Public Funds
On Thursday 8 October MPs will hold a debate on No Recourse to Public Funds in Westminster Hall
05 October 2020
A new UK research funding agency: second evidence session
Committee to hold second evidence session into its inquiry A new UK research funding agency
05 October 2020
Coming up in the Commons, 5 October - 9 October
We’ve put together a list of highlights to keep you on top of the legislation, debates and questions you need to know about.
05 October 2020
Safeguards needed to bolster justice in private prosecutions
The Justice Committee report on Private prosecutions: safeguards published
02 October 2020
MyBEIS inquiry – topics taken forward
Committee to undertake work on a series of topics proposed in pitches at the MyBEIS hearing
02 October 2020
Committee to hold accountability hearings with Children’s Commissioner and Universities Minister
Committee to hold accountability hearings with the Children’s Commissioner for England and the Minister for Universities
02 October 2020
Committee hears from industry representatives on pensions scams
Committee to hear from investment companies and trustee organisations on pensions scams
02 October 2020
Committee to question Dame Judith Hackitt on draft Building Safety Bill
Dame Judith Hackitt and representatives of the Health and Safety Executive will be questioned on 5 October
02 October 2020
Committee to question MoD Ministers
Committee to question MoD Ministers on the human rights implications of the Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Bill
02 October 2020
Committee launch Decarbonising heat in homes inquiry
Committee launches an inquiry examining the path to decarbonising heating in homes
02 October 2020
Chair comments on the Environment Agency’s Environmental Performance Assessment of water companies in England
Chair reacts to the Environment Agency’s Environmental Performance Assessment of water companies in England
02 October 2020
Legalise e-scooters, says Transport Committee
Committee publish report E-Scooters: pavement nuisance or innovation transport?
02 October 2020
Every week of delayed repairs to crumbling Parliament costing taxpayer another £2million
Committee publish their report Restoration and renewal of the Palace of Westminster
02 October 2020
Total results 4379 (page 225 of 292)