Commons news from UK Parliament.

MPs to debate petitions relating to the UK’s departure from the EU
MPs to debate petitions relating to the UK’s departure from the European Union
02 October 2020

‘Ychydig iawn’ o gynnydd gan Lywodraeth y DU i sicrhau cronfa amgen i gymryd lle nawdd yr UE yng Nghymru, meddai ASau
Pwyllgor yn cyhoeddi adroddiad ar ddisodli cyllid Strwythurol yr UE yng Nghymru
01 October 2020

Committee to hold second evidence session on young and novice drivers
Committee to hear from insurance and telematics industry representatives
01 October 2020

Chair writes to Secretary of State on British Business Bank and Covid-19 loans
Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee publish correspondence
01 October 2020

Committee asks Chancellor to confirm arrangements for devolved administrations following Budget delay
Committee Chair writes to the Chancellor
01 October 2020

Committee examines the Coroner Service in England and Wales
The Justice Committee examines how the Coroner Service deals with healthcare-related deaths
01 October 2020

UK Parliament celebrates Black History Month
The breadth, talent and achievements of the Black community in relation to Parliament will be marked with a series of celebratory events and projects for Black History Month.
01 October 2020

Procedure Committee investigates coronavirus impact on participation in Commons debates
The Committee are now welcoming evidence submissions to this investigation
01 October 2020

Committee calls for fair and transparent process in key broadcasting appointments
Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee Chair comments on Chair of the BBC and Chair of Ofcom appointments
01 October 2020

MPs to debate the impact of Covid-19 on maternity and parental leave
MPs to debate a petition calling on the Government to extend maternity leave by three months with pay in light of COVID-19
01 October 2020

Committee calls for evidence on the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill
Committee to explore the human rights implications of the Bill introduced into the House of Commons this month
30 September 2020

Committee reports on application of quotas and continuation of EU firearms laws under the Northern Ireland Protocol
European Scrutiny Committee considers recent draft EU legislation and policy documents
30 September 2020

Education Committee launch home education inquiry
The Committee examines how home-educated children are being supported
30 September 2020

Young and novice drivers: MPs on the Transport Committee need your views
Committee launch survey to ask young drivers aged 17-25 for their views on potential measures to reduce road traffic collisions
30 September 2020

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees questioned on Channel crossings
The Home Affairs Committee examines existing safe and legal routes for refugees and asylum-seekers to enter the UK
29 September 2020