House of Lords
House of Lords news from UK Parliament.

Lords debates the creative sector
Impact of government policy and spending on creative sector under review. Catch up
05 November 2021

Rail fare reforms must provide clarity and reduce confusion
Built Environment Committee write to Rail Minister about rail fare reform
05 November 2021

Lords debates Budget statement
The economy in light of the Budget under scrutiny. Find out more
02 November 2021

Lords concludes examination of Critical Benchmarks (References and Administrators' Liability) Bill
Bill granted Royal Assent and becomes an Act of Parliament. Catch up
01 November 2021

Climate change considerations not yet embedded across Government, Committee say
Lords Environment and Climate Change Committee write to Government about cross-Government delivery of COP and climate change policy.
01 November 2021

Lords debates people’s ability to afford to stay in their homes
Members debate combined impact of the end of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, reduction in Universal Credit and the upcoming rise in fuel prices. Catch up
28 October 2021

Lords debates planning system and land use
Land use in spotlight as members debate integrating the planning system with other infrastructure, landscape and agricultural land processes. Catch up
28 October 2021

Members raise topical and current issues in Grand Committee debates
Lords debates social care, the treatment of people with autism, the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, and UK business with Africa. Learn more
27 October 2021

Home Secretary Priti Patel to appear before Lords Committee
The Justice and Home Affairs Committee will be questioning the Home Secretary, the Rt Hon Priti Patel MP.
26 October 2021

UK-New Zealand trade negotiations call for evidence re-opened
Lords International Agreements Committee re-opens call for evidence on UK-New Zealand trade negotiations
26 October 2021

Lords debates ethnic pay gap reporting
In Black History Month, find out about current work by Black members highlighting issues affecting Black and ethnic minority communities
26 October 2021

Lords debates Coronavirus Act 2020
Members debate the Act's provisions and regulations on self-isolation. Catch up
25 October 2021

Committee urges NI Secretary to put human rights at heart of Protocol debate
The House of Lords Sub-Committee on the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland has today published a letter to the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland setting out concerns about the implementation of Article 2 of the Protocol, which guarantees that human rights and equality provisions will not be lowered in Northern Ireland as a result of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU.
25 October 2021

Lords debates Assisted Dying Bill at second reading
Members debate the key areas of a private member's bill to make assisted dying legal. Find out more
25 October 2021

Follow-up inquiry into off-payroll working launched
The House of Lords Finance Bill Sub-Committee launches a new follow-up inquiry on the implementation of the off-payroll rules in the private sector.
22 October 2021