House of Lords
House of Lords news from UK Parliament.

House of Lords Podcast: the Speakers
The Speakers of the Lords and Commons discuss shared histories and plans for the future
23 September 2021

Call for evidence launched on trade in goods between Great Britain and the EU
Lords European Affairs Committee launches inquiry into trade in goods
20 September 2021

Central Bank Digital Currencies inquiry launched by Lords Economic Affairs Committee
Economic Affairs Committee launches inquiry on Central Bank Digital Currencies
17 September 2021

What's on in the Lords
Members question the government on Afghanistan, complete further examination of the Environment Bill and debate leadership training for government. Catch up
17 September 2021

Reforms required if Parliamentary scrutiny of treaties is to be effective, report finds
The International Agreements Committee publishes a new report on Working practices: one year on.
17 September 2021

Net zero: Lords debates behaviour change
Members discuss Climate Change Committee's 'Reducing UK emissions' report and a public engagement strategy. Find out more
17 September 2021

Lords debates enhancing quality of government
Members discuss training in core leadership skills for ministers and senior civil servants. Learn more
17 September 2021

Finance Bill Sub-Committee investigates basis period reform and uncertain tax treatment
Finance Bill Sub-Committee launch call for evidence
16 September 2021

Equality and Human Rights Commissions give evidence to Protocol Sub-Committee
The Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland Sub-committee takes evidence from the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission (NIHRC) and from the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland (ECNI) on Wednesday 15 September 2021 at 4.00pm
13 September 2021

Lords debates private members’ bills at second reading
Members discuss proposed laws on employment rights for workers, state school assemblies and entry into the UK for refugee family members. Learn more
13 September 2021

Lords debates standards in public life
Members taking part included a former Home Secretary, a former Leader of the House of Commons and the chair of the Committee on Standards in Public Life. Catch up
10 September 2021

Global South: Lords debates shortage of COVID-19 vaccines
Members discuss implications for global public health. Find out more
10 September 2021

Government lacks clear strategy on UK-China trade and security relationship
The International Relations and Defence Committee publishes its report on UK-China trade and security relationship
09 September 2021

Key provisions in Equality Act 2010 not implemented
The House of Lords Liaison Committee publishes its fourth follow-up report; The Equality Act 2010: the impact on disabled people Follow-up report
08 September 2021

Charities Bill call for evidence issued
Call for evidence on Charities Bill issued.
08 September 2021