Parliamentary news 2011

MPs to report on Taxis and private hire vehicles in their Seventh Report of the 2010-12 Session
12 July 2011

Government and STFC responses to Astronomy and Particle Physics report
12 July 2011

Proposal to replace DLA with Personal Independence Payment
12 July 2011

Home Affairs Committee to take evidence from senior police officers
12 July 2011

Evidence session on case against High Speed Rail
12 July 2011

Innovation in EU Agriculture - Chairman speaks at Westminster Forum and EU Parliament
11 July 2011

Home Affairs Committee seeks further evidence from Yates
11 July 2011

Government Responds to the Committee's Report - Competition and choice in retail banking
11 July 2011

MPs to hear evidence from Ministry of Defence on Aircraft Carriers
11 July 2011

Operations in Afghanistan: Publication of Report announced
11 July 2011

PASC to take evidence from Commissioner for Public Appointments
11 July 2011

Business, Innovation and Skills Committee publishes report on trade and investment
11 July 2011

Business, Innovation and Skills Committee publishes report on trade and investment
Committee questions Government's ability to deliver on export strategy
11 July 2011

Evidence session: Commissioning of x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy services
10 July 2011

MPs report on InterCity East Coast passenger rail franchise
09 July 2011