Parliamentary news 2011

Police response to antisocial behaviour
08 July 2011

Committee to hold final evidence session into the New Landscape of Policing
08 July 2011

Call for evidence: The Government’s proposals on Individual Electoral Registration
08 July 2011

PASC publishes two reports on the Appointment and Salary of Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
08 July 2011

Committee calls for air tax abolition on Northern Ireland flights
08 July 2011

Military Covenant in action? Part 1: Military casualties further evidence
07 July 2011

Evidence on right of disabled people to independent living
07 July 2011

How Should the EU Combat Drug Use and Trafficking?
07 July 2011

New Inquiry: The Green Economy
07 July 2011

New Inquiry: Preparations for Rio+20: The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development
07 July 2011

MPs question officials and experts about public health policy reforms
07 July 2011

Committee recommendations taken on board by Lord Patten
07 July 2011

Lords Constitution Committee publishes report on Police (Detention and Bail) Bill
07 July 2011

Inquiry announced on Automatic enrolment in workplace pensions
07 July 2011

European Commission and patient representative give evidence to the Lords
07 July 2011