Parliamentary news 2011

Statement from PAC Chair on NAO report on Aircraft Carriers
07 July 2011

Report published on Budget 2011 and environmental taxes
07 July 2011

New arrangements for local authority audits must uphold auditor independence say MPs
07 July 2011

EU should sow the seeds of innovation to transform agriculture urgently, say Lords
07 July 2011

Further evidence on pub companies
View the final evidence session of the Business Innovation and Skills inquiry into pub companies
07 July 2011

Further evidence on pub companies
07 July 2011

New Inquiry: The future of marine renewables in the UK
06 July 2011

Pre-appointment hearing: Chair of Gangmasters Licensing Authority - report publication announced
06 July 2011

MPs examine localisation issues in welfare reform
06 July 2011

Committee announces inquiry into fuel laundering and smuggling
06 July 2011

Committee to publish Report on Air Passenger Duty
06 July 2011

Home Affairs Committee seek further evidence from Met Police and NewsCorp
06 July 2011

Lords Committee takes evidence on risks and benefits of nuclear energy
06 July 2011

Judicial appointments under examination: experts to give evidence
06 July 2011

The future of adult social care
05 July 2011